Hello World!!!
Thanks for taking the time to read my inner thoughts that I have splattered across this site. I wasn't planning on doing a blog but I thought it might help me to keep track of my thoughts and ideas. Also I thought it might be interesting for other developers to follow along with my journey.
Now to get started. It took me a while to find a site/project I was happy with to use as a base for my site. After searching for a while I found a NextJS project that had a look and feel that I liked. For anyone that is interested the project I used as a base is Chronark.com. The project is Chronark's own personal site and I have cloned it and made some changes to make it my own.
The first thing I did was to setup a development environment on my remote server and setup a repo for the code. After uploading the code I went through it and removed any personal information of Chronark's. This was something they requested in the README file of the project. I then created a new folder for the blog posts and am currently writing this post in that folder. Mainly I wanted a mdx file to test and setup the new blog page I plan on adding to the site. Additionally I added a new field called featured to the projects to allow me to feature certain projects on the featured section.
There is a lot more to come but I will update more after I have everything working.